‘Who Shot Michael Collins?’ by Joe Connell

by / Tuesday, 02 October 2018 / Published in Events

WHO SHOT MICHAEL COLLINS? The facts about the theories – the theories about the facts, is another piece of outstanding research by renowned historian and author Mr Joe Connell, who travelled all the way from the United States to launch his book at the Lucan Library on 26th of September last, where he gave a talk on this, his latest publication. Just to remind our members and visitors to our website, Joe has previously published a number of history books, including ‘Dublin in Rebellion’ and his most recent, Michael Collins’ Dublin 1916-1923, which was No.1 on the best seller list at Hodges and Figgis. Following his talk, it was questions opened to the floor where history enthusiasts engaged with Joe in a series of interesting questions, all of which were expertly answered, especially in relation to the Civil War. Overall, it was a very pleasant and informal evening that saw several of our members in attendance among the general public who were present. Many of our vast Collins22 Society photograph collection feature throughout the book which we are very proud of indeed.

On behalf of the Collins22 Society, we would like to wish Joe Connell every success with his latest book, and also his publisher Micheál Ó Doibhilín of Kilmainham Tales Teo.

(Photos are courtesy of Fiona Comerford and her father Bill Comerford. Just to add, Mr Comerford who lives in Lucan but hails from County Kilkenny is one of our latest and oldest members. It was great to see him there).

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